Finding out about the Snow road plan: road alerts and heavy-goods vehicle traffic


The Snow Plan for regional roads is in place between 15 October and 15 April every year. This plan is managed by the Road Action Unit (CAR). This comprises the Regional Crisis Centre (CRC-W), the Federal Road Police, the PEREX centre and network managers (SPW Mobility and Infrastructure and SOFICO). During bad winter weather, intervention is broken down into three phases:

1. Increased-monitoring phase: the permanent evaluation of the network and use of SPW’s staff and resources to remove snow and spread salt.
2. Road pre-alert phase: this is triggered during periods of heavy snowfall or freezing rain. Aim: to remove snow and perform spreading activities, in order to maintain mobility and keep users informed.
3. Road alert phase: in the event of significant disruption, road users are asked to limit their movements as much as possible. During this phase, the circulation of articulated heavy-goods vehicles (over 13 metres in length) may be temporarily prohibited on sensitive routes. This is to prevent articulated lorries that have jack-knifed from stopping traffic flow completely. Road-transport companies are advised of this via SMS. The temporary ban is indicated by fixed signs and signs showing alternating messages, which suggest alternative routes.


Key points

All real-time information can be found on the Trafiroutes website.

Routes likely to be closed to lorries:

- E25/A602 - A26: between Loncin and Massul in both directions
- E411/A4 South: between Achêne and Massul in both directions
- N4 and N89: between Ciney and Arlon, and between Champlon and Libramont, in both directions
- E411/A4 North: between Daussoulx and Courrière in the North–South direction
- E25/A 602: between Loncin and Massul
- A26 + E411/A4: between Achêne and Sterpenich in both directions
- E40/A3: between Hauts-Sarts and Battice in one direction or in both directions
- E42/A27: between Verviers and Steinebruck in both directions
- N89: between Libramont and the French border in both directions
- E19/A7: border crossing at Hensies in the direction of France
- E29/A8: border crossing at Lamain in the direction of France
- N5: between Charleroi and Couvin in both directions

In addition, Walloon rest areas and three “heavy-goods” storage areas are also covered. If the ban lasts for longer than 12 hours, food supplies are provided to the heavygoods vehicles in the storage areas by SOFICO. The Red Cross and Civil Protection are also notified to assist drivers,
if required.
In addition, in order to avoid lorries blocking hills and sensitive parts of motorways and regional roads, supplementary measures may be implemented in 28 zones (32 relevant hills). Intervention teams and special equipment are then sent to the site, in order to carry out
rapid snow removal and help any heavy-goods vehicles in difficulty respectively.


In detail

All information about the Snow road plan can be found on this page.

All real-time information can be found on the Trafiroutes website.

Updated on :
Process n° : 2551 (nostraId = 142083)
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