Requesting information from the Winter Service – snow removal and spreading


In Wallonia, snow-removal and spreading services are provided by:

  • the municipalities, where the roads are managed municipally;
  • the Wallonia Public Service (SPW), where the roads are managed by the regional authority (motorways and national roads).

The Winter Service for regional roads is in place between 15 October and 15 April every year. 
Snow-removal and spreading operations are managed by the SPW’s road and motorway departments. Spreading is intended to be mainly preventative; however, if the desired outcome is not achieved, or if unexpected disruptions occur, curative treatment can take place. 
Decision-making and coordination of spreading and snowremoval operations are based on several elements: knowledge of the area, weather information and observations made by network inspectors, all of which are complemented by data from the Météoroutes system.
Météoroutes is an IT system supplied by readings from 52 stations spread across the Walloon territory. The equipment in these stations consists of a series of atmospheric sensors (measuring temperature, air humidity, precipitation type and intensity, wind direction and speed and solar and atmospheric radiation) and sensors on the ground (measuring the temperature of the road surface at a depth of 5 metres and the state of the roadway). PEREX consults each station ever six minutes and stores all the data collected.

In case of very bad weather, the increased monitoring, pre-alert and alert phases can be triggered (see "Snow road plan: road alerts and heavy-goods vehicle traffic"). This plan is managed by the Road Action Unit (CAR). This comprises the Regional Crisis Centre (CRC-W), the Federal Road Police, the PEREX centre and network managers (SPW Mobility and Infrastructure and SOFICO).


In detail

Find out more on the Winter Service on our website.

You can find out about weather alerts at

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Process n° : 2554 (nostraId = 142086)
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